Phrase(s): wash off ((of) someone or something)
to be carried off of or away from someone or something by the action of water or another liquid. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) • The dirt washed off of the floor easily. • The label washed off this can, and now I don’t know what’s in it., Phrase(s): wash someone or something off
to clean someone or something by washing. • She washed the muddy children off with a hose and put their clothes right into the washing machine. • Jane washed off the children., Phrase(s): wash something off (of) someone or something [and] wash something off
to clean something off someone or something. (Of is usually retained before pronouns.) • I have to wash this tomato sauce off my jacket before it stains it. • I will wash off the tomato stains.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs